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Heritage News Liberia / 22/May/2024 /

House Speaker Hails China- Liberia's Relations But Wants It Be Mutually Beneficial

The Speaker of the 55th National Legislature Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa has termed as patronizing, China's Liberia' s relationship.

Speaking to reporters on Tuesday following a ceremony to review China - Liberia's relations, Speaker Koffa acknowledged that China has been giving or supporting Liberia over the years which he noted is laudable but at the same time said it is time to have it changed for the better.

According to him, he wants the relationship to be mutually beneficial to the both parties .

Speaking further to reporters, he stressed the importance of Value addition which he emphasized is also key to the both Countries.

Making reference to Liberia's rich forest and subsequent furniture factory which he envisioned , he re-emphasized the need through said initiative for Liberia to grow its own value addition so that the Country can be able to export to China and the rest of the World.

Speaker Kofa who additionally commended China for its support to Liberia in key sectors also made particular reference to agriculture, Education and infrastructure developments in health and Sports among others but was hasten to mention that more needs to be done especially reemphasizing a mutually beneficial relationship, he reechoed.

Speaking earlier during the Program, the Chinese Ambassador accredited to Liberia Yin Chengwu reflected on the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1977, especially since the resumption of diplomatic relations in 2003, he said China-Liberia relations have made great progress on the basis of one-China principle.

" Looking back on the journey, there were twists and turns, but the friendship between us has never stopped, Here, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those who made contributions to China-Liberia relations", he said.

Amb. Chengwu historized that over the past decades, the two countries have maintained exchanges at various levels and Important leaders have exchanged visits dozens of times.

In particular, in 2009, the then-Liberian Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai paid a successful visit to China at the invitation of the then-Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, making President Boakai one of the first current African leaders to engage with President Xi.

Speaking further he stated that over the past decades, the bilateral exchanges and cooperation between the two Countries have achieved fruitful results in various fields.

Referencing some of the many fruitful achievements with Liberia he said China actively joined the United Nations peacekeeping operations in Liberia.

From 2003 to 2017, China sent 19 successive peacekeeping units to Liberia, with a total of 10,297 officers and soldiers.

From 2013 to 2018, China sent five formed peacekeeping police anti-riot teams to Liberia, with a total of about 1000 officers.

They made great contributions to the work of UNMIL and the peace in Liberia, and were lauded by the UN and the Liberian government.

Moreover, in the field of agriculture, China he pointed out has implemented a number of technical assistance projects.

The Agricultural Technology Demonstration Centre in Bong County had 2500 trainees for local communities. The Centre successfully produced hybrid rice seed in April 2019, helping Liberia to end its dependence on hybrid rice seed imports, achieve local production, thereby promoting food security.

China at the same time carried out six terms of technical assistance project of bamboo and rattan weaving and vegetable planting for Liberian youths since 2007 in which more than 900 technical young people were trained, and the weaving products and vegetables planted by the trainees account for about 50% of the share of the market.

Speaking about infrastructure, China built the Barreke Sugar Mill and the SKD Sports Complex for Liberia in the early years.

After the civil war, Ministry of Health Office Building, University of Liberia Fendall Campus, the Tappita Hospital, the Monrovia Vocational Training Center, the Annex Building of the Parliament Building, the EJS Ministerial Complex Building and the Roberts International Airport Terminal Building, built with Chinese assistance, have become new landmarks in Liberia, he noted.

Additionally, Many quality roads constructed by Chinese companies have also become important corridors for Liberia's economic and social development, he added.

In the field of health,the Chinese Ambassador stressed that China has sent 16 medical teams to Liberia since 1984, and signed a new protocol for sending Chinese medical teams to Liberia (2022-2027) with the Liberian government in 2022.

The medical team diagnoses and treats an average of 7,000 people per year, often holds various health training, and goes to remote counties every year to provide free medical checkup.

Both last year and this year, the Chinese medical team respectively donated more than US$100,000 in medical supplies to JFK Hospital.

JFK Hospital and China’s Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital are also cooperating in the Department of

Cardiology, he noted.

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