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Heritage News Liberia / 22/May/2024 /

DWI Executive Director Challenges Women and Girls to have ‘Self-Value’

The Executive Director of Determine Women Incorporated (DWI), Madam Martha Flomo has challenged women and young girls across Liberia to have self-value, purpose and vision that will transform their lives and society.

Madam Flomo believes that women knowing their value and their constitutional rights will allow them not to sell themselves for little or nothing.

The DWI boss urged women and young girls across Liberia not to abuse their values, but encouraged them to engage in positive and independent initiatives.

Speaking Saturday, May 18, 2024, at the end of a one-day educational training for disadvantaged and other girls in Paynesville, Madam Flomo noted that the training was intended to educate them on knowing their value and how to do away with drugs.

“Today training we talk about gender, sexual and reproductive health education. It was also intended to encourage them to leave the streets and drugs," she said.

The day-long training brought together forty young women and girls from across Montserrado County.

Determine Women Incorporated was established in 2015 in Zota District, Bong County to help empower, train and educate women and young girls and also help encourage them to leave the streets and drugs.

"Since our establishment, we have successfully rehabilitated, educated or trained and empowered ten persons through our program by giving our loans, vocational training scholarship fully funded at the Christ Embassy Vocational School for several of them who are now working," Madam Flomo explained.

Madam Flomo at the same time called on the government to help support her program and initiatives to enable her to reach out to more disadvantaged women and girls across Liberia.

She narrated that funding for the entire program is her little resources, but cried for more support and partnership from the government.

In remarks, several beneficiaries thanked the Determine Women Incorporated CEO for the great work in transforming their lives and status in society.

Mercy Y. Moses, one of the beneficiaries thanked the organization through its CEO for changing her life by adding value to her through the empowerment program.

"I did Beauty Care at Christ Embassy Vocational School and the organization paid all the fees including materials and graduation fees. Now, I am working and making my own money at the end of the month. I am grateful to God for them. This was a blessing for me," young Mercy said.

She however encouraged young women and girls to leave the streets and stop depending on men and stand in their group by being focused and engaging in positive initiatives that will better their lives.

Grace Williams, 27-year-old narrated that she has been taking care of her son and brother since the death of her mother.

She however lamented that her business has been slow since the ascendancy of the new administration headed by President Joseph Boakai. She at the same time expressed joy and willingness to leave the streets and do something positive to help her family.

The beneficiaries thanked the organization for the program and the continue encouragement for them to leave the streets and drugs.

They at the same time appealed to other individuals, NGOs, and the government to support Madam Flomo's initiatives with whatever they have for their upkeep and not to allow the program collapse due to financial issues.

"We are willing to leave the streets and drugs because it is harming us. We only need someone or people who will regularly visit us and keep encouraging us like our Ma is doing. Let people help our ma and she will help us also,” they appealed.

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