Law & Order News

Law & Order

In Charloe Musu’s Murder Case, Justice in Chambers rejects Prosecution’s Request … supports Production of Evidence

The Justice-In- Chambers at the Supreme Court of Liberia, Yamie Q. Gbeisay,  has declined to issue the Writ of Certiorari in overturning the  Criminal Court ‘A’ Court instruction for  the Prosecution  to submit their evidence in the case involving former Chief Justice of Liberia- Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott and three others.

Law & Order

In the Face of the Ongoing Trial, Stay Clear of the Case Involving Cllr. Gloria Musu-Scott and Others …Cllr. Gould cautions

A member of the Liberian Government’s Prosecution Team in the Charloe Musu Murder Case has cautioned the public to stay clear of the case involving Cllr. Gloria Musu-Scott and others, in the face of the ongoing trial.

Law & Order

In Charloe Musu Murder Case, Gov’t runs to Supreme Court …fails to submit Evidence

The Government of Liberia (GoL) has filed a Writ of Certiorari before the Justice- In- Chamber at the Supreme Court of Liberia Yamie Q. Gbeisay relating to Criminal Court ‘A’ Judge Roosevelt Willie's instructionon for the submission of all species of evidence in the case involving former Chief Justice of Liberia - Gloria Musu Scott and others.

Law & Order

In Charloe Musu’s Murder Case, Cllr. Scott, Others denied Bail Again

Criminal Court ‘A’ Judge Roosevelt Willie on Tuesday, July 4, 2023  denied   former Chief Justice of Liberia, Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott   and others  bail bond.

Law & Order

Legislature passes Tauter Law on Drugs

Members of the 54th Legislature have voted to enact several amendments to the Liberia’s drug law, making most offenses non-bailable.

Law & Order

In CT COM Vs. GT Bank Case Court denies GT Bank Motion for Summary Judgement

Judges at the Commercial Court at the Temple of Justice have denied the Guaranty Trust (GT) Bank its motion for summary judgment into the case involving the Bank and CT Com Liberia Limited.

Law & Order

In Connection With Charloe Musu’s Murder . Former Chief Justice Scott, 3 Others indicted

The Government of Liberia(GoL), thru the Special Grand Jury for Monsterrado, has indicted former Chief Justice Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott and three others for the crimes of murder, criminal conspiracy and false reports to law enforcement officials.
