Following Their Participation in 2 Cohort Media Mentorship U.S. Embassy certificates Heritage’s Reporter and Others

The Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia has ended its 2 Cohort Media Mentorship and certificated 15 Liberian Journalists who participated in the program.


Rep. Koon empowers Over 150 Women With Vocational Skills

One hundred fifty-three women over the weekend (March 25) graduated with new vocational skills after months of intensive studies at the District 11 Community Savings and Loan Vocational Institute.


Labor Ministry intensifies National Inspection, ensures Job Security

The Government of Liberia(GoL), through the Ministry of Labor, has intensified inspection and enforcement across business sites including houses across the country.


First Lady identifies with Schools, Orphanage …donates chairs, desk, beds

At least two schools and an orphanage in Montserrado and Margibi Counties have benefited from a consignment of chairs, desk, bunk beds and mattresses donated by the Office of First Lady Clar M. Weah.
